RORO - re-distribututing redundant scientific analytical instrumentation to academic institutions in the developing world Members Area Donate Now / Help Now About RORO

To prevent unneeded waste and lost opportunities by recycling scientific equipment that would otherwise be gathering dust or - worse still – adding to landfill.

How do we achieve this?

By providing a recycling service for sophisticated scientific analytical instrumentation.
We strongly believe that the best form of recycling is reuse, instruments donated to us will be tested and then redistributed to academics in the developing world to assist with their research programmes.

We work with ‘Re-Cyclers’, a Liverpool based recycling firm that holds a licence for the management of waste from electrical and electronic goods. Any company or university wishing to make a donation will have their legal obligations covered in accordance with the WEEE directive.

Through our contacts we have managed to divert analytical instruments that would otherwise have been disposed to new homes in academia in both the UK and abroard.

Universities that are interested in applying for consideration for the receipt of an analytical instrument should complete the application form.

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RORO is a limited company (7000022) and a charity registered in England and Wales registered charity (1135993).